At the heart of activities in Eastern region are 1,711 volunteers, comprising of doctors, over 600 adult first res-ponders, over 1000 and 200 cadets and badgers respectively.

This strength has enabled the region help thousands of people through first aid and community care services in the past years.

These volunteer first res-ponders have also benefited from training on first aid, disaster preparedness, occupational health and safety and firefighting among other skills. These skills has helped hundreds to help friends, family members and strangers during emergencies.

The region is currently evolving and establishing offices and different community geared programs across the counties in the former Eastern Province of  Kenya.


St John Ambulance Kenya, Eastern  Region,
Minni Inn Road, Opposite Embu Sports Club,
P.O.Box 3, Embu.
Office Line: 0721 611 555/ 0786 214 331
Ambulance: 0721 225 285